Long-range needs assessment enables the school district to analyze assessment data, get feedback from the community about its expectation of students and determine how well students are meeting student learning goals.  The board will conduct ongoing and in-depth needs assessment, soliciting information from business, labor, industry, higher education and community members, regarding their expectations for adequate student preparation.


In conjunction with the in-depth needs assessment of the school district, the board will authorize the appointment of a committee, representing administrators, employees, parents, students and community members, to make recommendations and assist the board in determining the priorities of the school district in addition to the basic skills areas of the education program.


The school district will provide opportunities for local feedback through the local SIAC committee, the school district website and Parent-Teacher conferences.  Additional information is gathered through our association with the Perkins Grant Consortium, Henry County Consortium, the Iowa State Extension office, and involvement with the Regional School to Career Executive Council.  Community members are informed through local newspapers and mass community mailings. 


It is the responsibility of the superintendent to ensure the school district community is informed of students' progress on state and locally determined indicators.  The superintendent will report annually to the board about the means used to keep the community informed.


As a result of the board and committee's work, the board will determine major educational needs and rank them in priority order; develop long-range goals and plans to meet the educational needs; establish and implement short-range and intermediate-range plans to meet the goals and to attain the desired levels of student performance; evaluate progress toward meeting the goals and maintain a record of progress under the plan that includes reports of student performance and results of school improvement projects; and annually report the school district's progress made under the plan to the committee, community and Iowa Department of Education.




Legal Reference:        

Iowa Code §§ 21; 256.7; 280.12

281 I.A.C. 12.8(1)(b).






Approved September 2007    

Reviewed   July 2022 




School districts also need to develop a process for long-range needs assessment.  The process needs to include three items.

  • provisions for collecting, analyzing and reporting information derived from local, state and national sources;
  • provisions for reviewing information acquired on the following:
  • state indicators and other locally determined indicators,
    • locally established student learning goals,
    • specific data collection required by state and federal programs;
  • provisions for collecting and analyzing assessment data on the following:
    • state indicators,
    • locally determined indicators,
    • locally established student learning goals.