The school district will participate in open enrollment as a receiving district.  As a receiving district, the board will allow nonresident students, who meet the legal requirements, to open enroll into the school district.  The board will have complete discretion to determine the attendance center of the students attending the school district under open enrollment.

The superintendent will approve timely filed applications by June 1; incoming kindergarten applications; good cause application; or continuation of an educational program application filed by  September 1.

The superintendent will notify the sending school district and parents within five days of the school district’s action to approve or deny the open enrollment request. 

Open enrollment requests into the school district will not be approved if insufficient classroom space exists.  Open enrollment requests into the school district will also not be approved for students who have been suspended or expelled by the administration or the board of the school district the student is or was attending until the student has been reinstated into the school district from which the student was suspended or expelled.  Once the student is reinstated, the student's open enrollment request will be considered in the same manner as other open enrollment requests provided the required timelines are met.

The district reserves the right to deny continued open enrollment to any students who meet the definition of truant. The district will notify the truant student’s parent or guardian and district of residence of the decision to deny enrollment in the future in accordance with applicable laws.  


Students in grades nine through twelve open enrolling into the school district will be eligible for participation in interscholastic athletics, at the varsity level.

Parents of students whose open enrollment requests are approved by the superintendent are responsible for providing transportation to and from the receiving school district without reimbursement.  

If an open enrolled student’s primary residence is closer to the receiving district’s attendance center than the distance from the student’s primary residence to the sending attendance center, the sending district will allow the student’s receiving district to send school vehicles no more than two miles into the sending district’s boundaries to pick up the student. 

An open enrollment request into the school district from parents of a special education student is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.  The determining factors for approval of such an open enrollment request will be whether the special education program available in the school district is appropriate for the student's needs and whether the enrollment of the special education student will cause the class size to exceed the maximum allowed.  The area education agency director of special education serving the school district will determine whether the program is appropriate.  The special education student will remain in the sending district until the final determination is made.

For children requiring special education, the receiving district will complete and provide to the resident district the documentation needed to seek Medicaid reimbursement for eligible services.

The policies of the school district will apply to students attending the school district under open enrollment.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop appropriate office procedures and administrative regulations necessary for open enrollment requests.





Legal Reference:         

Iowa Code §§ 139.9; 274.1; 279.11; 282.1, .3, .8, .18; 299.1 

281 I.A.C. 17.

1990 Op. Att'y Gen. 75.


Cross Reference:        

501.6   Student Transfers In

501.7   Student Transfers Out or Withdrawals

501.13 Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Sending District

506      Student Records

507      Student Health and Well-Being

606.6   Insufficient Classroom Space



Approved   July 1999 

Reviewed September 2024      

Revised September 2024