School district facilities and equipment will be made available to local nonprofit entities which promote cultural, educational, civic, community, or recreational activities. "Entity(ies)" will include organizations, groups and individuals and their agents. Such use will be permitted only when the use does not interfere with or disrupt the education program or a school-related activity, the use is consistent with state law, and will end no later than midnight. It is within the discretion of the board to allow for-profit entities to use school district facilities and equipment. The board reserves the right to deny use of the facilities and equipment to an entity. It is within the discretion of the superintendent to allow use of school district facilities and equipment on Sundays.
Entities who wish to use school district facilities or equipment must apply at the superintendent's office. It is the responsibility of the board secretary/business manager or superintendent to determine whether the school district facility or equipment requested is available and whether the application for use meets board policy and administrative regulations. It is the responsibility of the superintendent and board secretary/business manager to provide application forms, obtain proof of insurance, and draw up the contract for use of school district facilities and equipment.
Use of school district facilities and equipment by entities will be supervised by a school district employee unless special prior arrangements are made with the superintendent. The school district employee will not accept a fee from the entity using school district facilities and equipment. If appropriate, the school district employee may be paid by the school district.
Entities that use school district buildings or sites must leave the building or site in the same condition it was in prior to its use. Entities that use school district equipment must return the equipment in the same working condition it was in prior to its use. Inappropriate use of school district facilities and equipment may result in additional fees charged to, or the inability of, the entity to use school district facilities or equipment in the future.
The board may allow entities, such as the Boy and Girl Scouts and 4-H, to use the school district facilities and equipment without charge. While such entities may use the facilities and equipment without charge, they may be required to pay a custodial fee.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop a fee schedule for the board's approval and to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code §§ 8D; 276; 278.1(4); 279.8; 288; 297.9-.11
Cross Reference:
704 Revenue
Approved July 1999
Reviewed March 2022
The undersigned entity makes application for the use of the school district facility or equipment as designated below. The entity will provide police protection at its own expense, if necessary, to maintain order and to properly protect the building, site, or equipment. Police protection is required when admission is charged.
Please refer to Policy 905.1 to determine the proper use of school facilities and equipment. The entity is responsible for complying with the law, board policy and the administrative regulations.
The entity must provide an Indemnity and Liability Insurance Agreement, Policy 905.1E2, prior to the use of school district buildings, sites, or equipment
Building/Site Equipment__________________________________ Date ___________________
Purpose ______________________________________________ Hours __________________
TOTAL FEE: $_______________________
Name of entity making application: ___________________________
Name of person making application: __________________________
Address:________________________________________________ Phone#: __________
____________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature and Date of Applicant Approved By
The undersigned, hereafter referred to as "entity," states that it will hold the Winfield-Mt. Union School District, hereafter referred to as "school district," harmless from any and all damages and claims that may arise by reason of any negligence on the part of the entity or the school district, and its officers, employees or agents, in the use by the entity of any facilities or equipment owned by the school district. In case any action is brought therefore against the school district or any of its officers, employees or agents, the entity will assume full responsibility for the legal defense thereof, and upon its failure to do so on proper notice, the school district reserves the right to defend such action and to charge all costs, including attorneys' fees, to the entity.
The entity agrees to furnish and maintain during the usage of the facilities or equipment owned by the school district such bodily injury and property damage liability insurance as will protect the entity and the school district from claims for damages for personal injury, including accidental death, and from claims for property damages which may arise from the entity's use of the school district's facilities or equipment whether such operations be by the entity or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the entity. Such insurance will include the Winfield – Mt. Union School District as an additional named insured in the policy carried by the entity and described above.
The entity will furnish the school district with a certificate of insurance acceptable to the school district's insurance carrier before the contract is issued.
Date: ______________________
Winfield - Mt. Union Community School District
(Entity Name/Title and Address) By: ______________________________________________
(District Name/Title) By: ________________________________________________________
1. Alcoholic beverages will not be brought to or consumed in the school district facilities or grounds.
2. Smoking is prohibited on school district grounds.
3. A custodian or employee must be present while the school district facility or equipment is being used by an entity.
4. After a school district facility or site has been used by an entity, cleaning, including restoring the facility or site to the condition it was in prior to its use, will be done by employees assisted by a committee from the entity. The fee charged to the entity for the use of the facility or site will include these costs. However, if excessive costs are involved in cleaning or otherwise restoring the facility or site to the condition it was in prior to its use, the board reserves the right to charge the entity for these excessive costs.
5. After school district equipment has been used by an entity, the equipment must be returned to the school district in the condition it was in prior to its use. The fee charged to the entity for the use of the equipment will include these costs. However, if excessive costs are involved in restoring the equipment to the condition it was in prior to its use, the board reserves the right to charge the entity for these excessive costs.
6. Entities are required to stay within the area of the school district facility or site and use only the school district equipment authorized by the school district for use by the entity. Other school district facilities, sites, or areas in the school district building or equipment are off limits to the entity.
7. A cancellation after the facility or equipment is made ready for the entity will be charged at the full rate. Cancellations made prior to that time will be charged a minimum cancellation fee or the costs incurred to the school district in anticipation of the entity's use, whichever is greater.
Rates for Use of Buildings & Sites
*Elementary School Gym: $30/day.
*High School Gym: $40/day.
*Lunch Room: $25/day.
*Library: $25/day.
*Coach Camp/Clinic $100/week. Proof of Liablity Insurance is required.
*Any custodial charges involved will be assessed at the actual cost per hour to the school district.
Kitchen: $35/day. The use of the kitchen requires the employment of one or more district food service workers. Actual district costs will be assessed.
In addition to paying the above fees each entity must make arrangements with the school district to have adequate custodial and supervisory services. Buildings will not be available unless a contract is signed by the entity and the school district well in advance of scheduled usage. Payment must be received prior to using the building/equipment. Make checks payable to: Winfield - Mt. Union Community School District.
Tobacco and nicotine use is prohibited on school district facilities and grounds, including school vehicles. This requirement extends to students, employees and visitors. This policy applies at all times, including school-sponsored and nonschool-sponsored events. Persons failing to abide by this request are required to extinguish their smoking material, dispose of the tobacco, nicotine or other product or leave the school district premises immediately. It is the responsibility of the administration to enforce this policy.
Legal Reference:
20 U.S.C. 608
Iowa Code §§ 142D; 279.8, .9; 297.
Cross Reference:
903.4 Public Conduct on School Premises
905.1 Community Use of School District Buildings & Sites & Equipment
Approved July 1999
Reviewed March 2022
All weapons, dangerous objects and look-a-likes are prohibited to be carried, possessed, transported or otherwise stored on school district property and to school district-approved events. Exceptions to this policy include weapons carried by the following individuals in performance of their official duties:
Individuals found to be in violation of this district policy will be required to immediately remove the weapon, dangerous object or look-a-likes from the school district property or event. Students found to be in violation of this policy or any other board policies related to weapons will be subject to disciplinary proceedings. Employees found in violation of this policy may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.
Legal Reference: 18 U.S.C. § 921
Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.21B; 483A.27(11), 724
281 I.A.C. 12.3(6)
Cross Reference: 502 Student Rights and Responsibilities
503 Student Discipline
507 Student Health and Well-Being
Approved February 2017
Reviewed March 2022