Fundraising can foster a sense of community and pride in the school district through group efforts to accomplish a common goal. The school board believes fundraising campaigns can further the interests of the district. Care must be taken to help ensure fundraising efforts are done properly and safely to benefit the school community. The school board is responsible for approving all district affiliated and student fundraising. Any person or entity acting on behalf of the district and wishing to conduct a fundraising campaign for the benefit of the district shall begin the process by seeking prior approval from the board or its designee.  Any fundraising efforts conducted using the district's resources, name, logos, symbols, or imagery will be conducted in accordance with all policies, regulations and rules for fundraising within the district.  

District Affiliated Fundraising
There are times when the school board may decide to engage in district-affiliated fundraising efforts to benefit the school district. All district affiliated fundraising efforts will fulfill a public purpose and will not benefit only one single individual or family, except in unique circumstances pre-approved by the school board. The use of district owned resources to conduct fundraising efforts will be in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and other relevant district policies and procedures. 

Money or items raised by any district affiliated fundraising campaign will be the property of the district only upon acceptance by the board and will be used only in accordance with the terms for which they were given, as agreed to by the board.

Student Fundraising
Students may raise funds for school-sponsored events with the permission of the school board.  The school board delegates to the Superintendent the authority to approve routine student fundraising as deemed appropriate.  Collection boxes for school fund raising must have prior approval from the school board or its designee before being placed on school property. All funds generated from district-sponsored student fundraising will be placed in the district’s student activity fund. The Superintendent will develop necessary regulations to ensure the safety and equity of student fundraising efforts.

Online Fundraising
The use of the district’s name, logos, symbols, or imagery for online fundraising will be subject to the approval of the Superintendent.  All online fundraising efforts will fulfill a public purpose, and will not benefit only one single individual or family except in unique circumstances pre-approved by the school board. If approved, the requestor shall be responsible for preparing all materials and information related to the online fundraising campaign and keeping district administration apprised of the status of the campaign. 

All items and money generated from online fundraising are subject to the same controls and regulations as other district property and shall be deposited or inventoried accordingly. No money raised or items purchased shall be distributed to individual employees.

Legal Reference:

Senior Class of Pekin High School v. Tharp, 154 N.W.2d 874 (Iowa 1967).
Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 279.42; 565.6.





I.C. Iowa Code


Iowa Code  § 279.42

Directors - Powers and Duties-Gifts to Schools

Iowa Code  § 279.8

Directors - General Rules - Bonds of Employees

Iowa Code  § 565.6

Gifts to Governmental Bodies

Case Law


Senior Class of Pekin HS v. Tharp

154 N.W.2d 874 (Iowa 1967)

Cross References




Class or Student Group Gifts


Gifts - Grants - Bequests


Advertising and Promotion




All district affiliated fundraising will be approved by the school board. Once approved, funds collected related to district affiliated fundraising will be placed in the appropriate fund in accordance with applicable laws and board policies. Prior to approval of district affiliated fundraising efforts, the board will consider:

  • Compatibility with the district’s educational program, mission, vision, core values, and beliefs;
  • Congruence with the district and school goals that positively impact student performance; 
  • The district’s instructional priorities; 
  • The manner in which donations are collected and distributed;  
  • Equity in funding; and
  • Other factors deemed relevant or appropriate by the district. 

Student Fundraising
Student fundraising can enhance a student’s educational experience, but it must not be at the expense of the safety and education of the district’s students.  The following are additional regulations to assist the administration in developing procedures necessary for successful fundraising efforts:

  • Students will not be asked to solicit door to door. 
  • Students who do not wish to engage in fundraising efforts will be provided an alternative community service option to apply toward credit of funds raised.  The alternative option will not be unduly burdensome or onerous when compared to the fundraising activity.
  • All funds generated due to a student fundraising activity will be deposited into the district’s student activity funds, pursuant to applicable laws and board policies.
  • Funds raised for a participatory student activity will be equally applied to all students regardless of their participation in fundraising efforts. 
  • All funds generated from district sponsored student fundraising efforts will be deposited in the student activity fund.  
  • All funds generated from non-district sponsored student fundraising efforts will be deposited into a private purpose trust fund designated by the board for such purpose.
  • No school district employee or other individual affiliated with the district may deposit student fundraising funds into any other account.  
  • All funds received from student fundraising are the property of the district.