The Winfield-Mt. Union Community School District board is authorized by and derives its organization from Iowa law. The board will consist of 5 board members. Board members are elected at-large.
The board is organized for the purpose of setting policy and providing general direction for the school district. The board will hold its organizational meeting at or before the first regular meeting following the canvass of votes. The retiring board will transfer materials, including the board policy manual, and responsibility to the new board.
The organizational meeting allows the outgoing board to approve minutes of its previous meetings, complete unfinished business and review the school election results. The retiring board will adjourn and the new board will then begin. The business manager/board secretary will administer the oath of office to the newly-elected board members. The board secretary/business manager will preside while the new board elects the president and vice-president of the new board.
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code §§ 274.2; 275.23A; 277.23, .28, .31; 279.1, .5, .7, .8 , .33
281 I.A.C. 12.3(2).
Cross Reference:
202 Board of Directors Members
206.1 President
206.2 Vice-President
210 Board of Directors' Meetings
Approved July 1999
Reviewed August 2022