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905.1E1 Community Use of School District Facilities & Equipment Application Form

The undersigned entity makes application for the use of the school district facility or equipment as designated below.  The entity will provide police protection at its own expense, if necessary, to maintain order and to properly protect the building, site, or equipment.  Police protection is required when admission is charged.

Please refer to Policy 905.1 to determine the proper use of school facilities and equipment.  The entity is responsible for complying with the law, board policy and the administrative regulations.

The entity must provide an Indemnity and Liability Insurance Agreement, Policy 905.1E2, prior to the use of school district buildings, sites, or equipment



Building/Site Equipment__________________________________                Date  ___________________


Purpose ______________________________________________                 Hours  __________________


TOTAL FEE:  $_______________________


Name of entity making application: ___________________________

Name of person making application: __________________________

Address:________________________________________________              Phone#: __________


____________________________________                             _____________________________________

Signature and Date of Applicant                                                   Approved By